Devon Balwit
Painter to the Moon
Cover Art: Makoto Nakamura, "The Drama of A Woman Begins at the Fingertips, Shiseido Nail Enamel" 1978, lithograph. MOMA
Painter to the Moon
Reflector of brighter lights, still, I glow,
pitted by rock fall, in lone orbit, turning upon myself. Ear cocked inward, trusting momentum to carry me, I paint in a palette of blues. I crown myself with scavenged laurels. Grown stiff in the posture of a supplicant, I hold my piece of the firmament, proceeding by rumor. Fixed, yet wheeling. Cautionary. (after Chagall, 1917) |
Devon Balwit writes in Portland, OR. She has five chapbooks out or forthcoming: How the Blessed Travel (Maverick Duck Press); Forms Most Marvelous (dancing girl press); In Front of the Elements (Grey Borders Books), Where You Were Going Never Was (Grey Borders Books); and The Bow Must Bear the Brunt (Red Flag Poetry). Her individual poems can be found in The Cincinnati Review, The Stillwater Review, Red Earth Review, The Fourth River; The Ekphrastic Review; Noble Gas Quarterly; Muse A/Journal, The Inflectionist, and more.
past, Fire Folio: Nomi Stone next, Amy Baskin