Holly Day
3 Days
Cover Art: John Cage, "No. 30 from Changes + Disappearances" 1982. Drypoint, engraving, and aquatint. MOMA
3 Days
I have the sudden desire
To eat paint chips, drink turpentine, root around in the garden For toadstools and mushrooms Fight a bear. The phone sits in its cradle, refusing to liberate me From all of the good choices in life that brought me to this point The conscious good-food choices and intermittent exercise The firm shake of my head when offered dangerous substances To ingest, to smoke, to shove up my ass. There are things I did that could have led me to this point But it doesn’t seem like there were enough. |
Holly Day's poetry has recently appeared in Big Muddy, The Cape Rock, New Ohio Review, and Gargoyle, and her published books include Walking Twin Cities, Music Theory for Dummies, Ugly Girl, and The Yellow Dot of a Daisy. She has been a featured presenter at Write On, Door County (WI), North Coast Redwoods Writers' Conference (CA), and the Spirit Lake Poetry Series (MN). Her newest poetry collections, A Perfect Day for Semaphore (Finishing Line Press) and I'm in a Place Where Reason Went Missing (Main Street Rag Publishing Co.) will be out late 2018.
past, Jake Sheff next, Sarah Joyce Bersonsage