AboutFire burns, consumes, cleanses, warms, corrupts, bides, trashes, jumps mountain ridges, rages, heats efficiency apartments. Fire Poetry understands the combustible nature of the written and spoken word.
First started in 2016, Fire Poetry is currently a biannually-published online poetry journal, releasing issues in the Winter (around mid-January) and Summer (near the end of July). Fire Poetry Journal entered a temporary haitus in 2019. The mission of Fire Poetry is to promote the importance of poetry in all its multiple uses, and to give voice to under-served or marginalized communities. |
SHAUN TURNER is the author of "The Lawless River" (Red Bird Chapbooks). His fiction, nonfiction, and poetry has been published in Bayou Magazine, storySouth, Tin House Online, Hobart, and New South, among others. Shaun is a recipient of the Emerging Artist Award from the Kentucky Arts Council. He serves as Fiction Editor for Stirring: A Literary Collection and co-editor at Fire Poetry Journal. JOY BOWMAN lives and writes in eastern Kentucky. Her work can be found in Fried Chicken & Coffee and the anthology Feel It With Your Eyes: Writing Inspirited by the University of Kentucky Art Museum. She is a practicing hermit. Contact: editors[at]firepoetry.com |