Laurinda Lind
De Rata
Cover Art: Black Mountain, Kentucky, photograph
De Rata
Erasure from Max Ehrmann, “Desiderata”
Go amid noise and remember
there may be good persons. Speak others, avoid spirit. If you always will be greater than yourself, well, keep a real changing. Your world is full but blind to many high everywhere, yourself especially. Be about the face of the grass. Take things to you sudden, but do yourself dark/ wholesome, a universe less right. Therefore conceive, whatever your sham: strive. |
Laurinda Lind lives teaches English composition in New York's North Country, near Canada. Some poetry acceptances/ publications include Blueline, Comstock Review, Constellations, The Cortland Review, Kestrel, Main Street Rag, Paterson Literary Review, and Radius; also anthologies Visiting Bob: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Bob Dylan (New Rivers Press) and AFTERMATH: Explorations of Loss & Grief (Radix Media). She won the 2018 Keats-Shelley Prize for adult poetry.
last, Alec Hershman next, Simon Perchik